제 19대 한인회장 선거
- 선거일시: 1월 27일 (일요일) 2:00 – 5:00
- 장소: 내쉬빌 한인 장로교회
5555 Franklin Rd. Nashville, TN 37220 - 문의전화 : (615)525-7562
죤 신 변호사 초청 무료 이민 상담
Tennessee - State Senate voted to allow guns in businesses that served alcohol such as bars and restaurants. The vote was 24-6 in favor of allowing people with handgun carry permits to carry that gun into a place where alcohol is served.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Shortly after 9 p.m.(Jan. 17) on 37th Avenue North near Charlotte Pike, a 14-year-old Ronald Cornelius Tate shot 11-year-old Akeem Ford to death Thursday night.
Around 3.5 million children die every year because of lack of food or poor quality food, a problem which starts in the womb, studies show.
We crave violence just like we crave sex or food.
Children don't like clowns and even older kids are scared of them according to a recent study. Personally, I have always found them a little creepy myself.
Here's a crazy story: Two men place a corpse in an office chair with wheels. Then they push him along a crowded NYC sidewalk to a check-cashing place to cash the poor dead man's last Social Security check!!!
Meet Brad Williams(51) of Wisconsin.
I want one of these! You can hook it up to any video-capable MP3 Players and start singing!
내쉬빌 한인회에 관한 기사가 2008년 1월 7일 아틀란타 신문에 실렸다.
The Tennessean has introduced this Crime Locator on its website. You can use this tool to see what types of crime have been happening where. You can also click on the icons to see specifics about each crime. Works only in Davidson County for now. Looks like Belle Meade area is the safest zone in Davidson Co.
i wish everyone a healthy and happy year!