
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

제 19대 한인회장 선거

  • 선거일시: 1월 27일 (일요일) 2:00 – 5:00
  • 장소: 내쉬빌 한인 장로교회
    5555 Franklin Rd. Nashville, TN 37220
  • 문의전화 : (615)525-7562

무료 이민 상담 (1월 27일)

죤 신 변호사 초청 무료 이민 상담

장소: 다리놓는 교회
시간: 2008년 1월 27일, 오후 3시 30분

내쉬빌 이민자들을 위해 다리놓는 교회를 방문 합니다.
현재 체류 신분에 문제가 있으신 분, 각종 신분 변경, 1.5세 자녀의 신분 문제, E-2비자, 취업, 투자등 전반적인 이민 업무를 상담 합니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다.

*개별 상담을 원하시는 분은 미리 본인의 상황을 E-Mail 해주시길 바랍니다.(
(대표전화: (770) 623-8530)

다리놓는 교회 (Bridge Community Church) 615-513-9867

Monday, January 21, 2008

Tennessee to Allow Guns in the Bar?

Tennessee - State Senate voted to allow guns in businesses that served alcohol such as bars and restaurants. The vote was 24-6 in favor of allowing people with handgun carry permits to carry that gun into a place where alcohol is served.

34 other states allow citizens with gun carry permits into businesses that serve alcoholic beverages, Senator Doug Jackson of Dickson said. He said Tennessee should be next.

"I've played in bars for many, many years," said entertainer Duncan Houston, who thinks state lawmakers are going too far.
"One time we were playing in a bar and a big fight broke out and the next thing you know you hear pop, pop, pop and there's a guy who brought a gun out and started shooting randomly," he said. "Thank God nobody was hit."

He said he's not an anti-gun person. He believes in a person's right to carry a gun, but not where there's alcohol. "I think it's just a bad idea," he said.

Under the proposal in the Senate the person carrying the gun into a bar or restaurant cannot drink. Business owners can still try and stop people from bringing guns onto their property by posting a sign saying no guns or firearms are allowed.
A version of this bill is also in the House. The governor must sign it before it becomes law.

Gun-Control, Anyone?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Shortly after 9 p.m.(Jan. 17) on 37th Avenue North near Charlotte Pike, a 14-year-old Ronald Cornelius Tate shot 11-year-old Akeem Ford to death Thursday night.
Police charged Tate with criminal homicide.

Ford and his 13-year-old brother, who live on Elkins Avenue, were visiting the Tate residence.
While at Tate's home, the two boys were pretending to rob each other. Ford had an unloaded pistol, while Tate had a loaded 12-gauge shot gun. During the game Tate said he unintentionally shot Ford. Ford was hit in the chest at close range and died at the scene.

These kids were just playing... but with REAL guns. You could blame parents, but these days many kids live in a single parent household and the parent is usually away trying to make ends meet. These "accidents" are preventable.
(Watch Bowling For Columbine if you haven't seen it. Michael Moore's films can be viewed as propaganda, but this one really opens your eyes on a few things.)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Millions of Children Die of Hunger Every Year.

Around 3.5 million children die every year because of lack of food or poor quality food, a problem which starts in the womb, studies show.

Millions more die from a handful of treatable infectious diseases including diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria and measles. They would survive if their bodies and immune systems had not been weakened by hunger and malnutrition.

Mortality from undernutrition accounts for more than a third of child deaths worldwide.

Hmmm.. Can I have a double Whopper with cheese and super size fries and Coke, please?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Humans Crave Violence

We crave violence just like we crave sex or food.

New research on mice shows the brain processes aggressive behavior as it does other rewards. Mice sought violence for no apparent reason other than the rewarding feeling.

This could shed light on our fascination with brutal sports as well as our own penchant for the classic bar brawl.

"Aggression occurs among virtually all vertebrates and is necessary to get and keep important resources such as mates, territory and food," said study team member Craig Kennedy, professor of special education and pediatrics at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. "We have found that the reward pathway in the brain becomes engaged in response to an aggressive event and that dopamine is involved."

"We learned from these experiments that an individual will intentionally seek out an aggressive encounter solely because they experience a rewarding sensation from it... Aggression is highly conserved in vertebrates in general and particularly in mammals. Almost all mammals are aggressive in some way or another. It serves a really useful evolutionary role probably, which is you defend territory; you defend your mate; if you're a female, you defend your offspring," Kennedy said.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Clowns Scare Children!

Children don't like clowns and even older kids are scared of them according to a recent study. Personally, I have always found them a little creepy myself.

Is this the result of horror movies starring clownish monsters or masked bad men?

The study, reported in the Nursing Standard magazine, found all the 250 patients aged between 4 and 16 they quizzed disliked the clowns, with even the older ones finding them frightening and unknowable.

Real Life "Weekend at Bernie’s"

Here's a crazy story: Two men place a corpse in an office chair with wheels. Then they push him along a crowded NYC sidewalk to a check-cashing place to cash the poor dead man's last Social Security check!!!

When Mr. Virgilio Cintron, 66, died at his apartment recently, his roommate and a friend came up with a brilliant idea to cash his $355 check.

The roommate, The Brilliant James P. O’Hare, and his friend, David J. Dalaia, both 65 and unemployed, placed Mr. Cintron’s body in the chair at his apartment at 436 West 52nd Street and wheeled it around the corner, south along Ninth Avenue on Tuesday afternoon(Jan. 09), the police said. The men parked the chair with the corpse in front of Pay-O-Matic at 763 Ninth Avenue, a check-cashing business that Mr. Cintron had patronized.

The store clerk said Mr. Cintron would have to cash it himself. So, the two men started to bring the chair inside, but it was obviously getting people's attention.

Their sidewalk procession had already attracted the stares of passers-by who were startled by the sight of the body flopping from side to side as the two men tried to prop it up, the police said. While the two men were inside the check-cashing office, a small crowd had gathered around the chair. A detective eating lunch at a nearby Empanada Mama saw the crowd and notified the police.

Police officers and an ambulance arrived as the two men were trying to maneuver the corpse and chair into the check-cashing office!!! [LOL, I wanna see this in a movie. Hollywood needs to buy a movie rights to the story!]

The two men were taken into custody and questioned. The police said they were considering charging them with check-cashing fraud. There was no sign of foul play in Mr. Cintron’s death, the police said.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Imagine If You Can Remember Everything!

Meet Brad Williams(51) of Wisconsin.

His extensive memory allows him to recall almost any news event and anything he has experienced, including specific dates and even the weather.

"I was sort of a human Google for my family. I've always been able to recall things," he said.

Williams' type of detailed, exhaustive memory is called hyperthymesia and few known cases exist.

Initially, the radio broadcaster didn't think his ability to recall so much was anything special. Gradually over the years other people noticed how much he was able to remember in detail about the same events.

Then in 2006, he read an article about a woman called AJ, which prompted Williams to come forward. AJ is the only scientifically documented case of superior memory.

Now the same University of California doctors who studied AJ are looking at Williams' brain scans in the hopes of determining how it ticks.

All of us have the ability to store all this information. The difference is he can retrieve it.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 2008

January 2008 issue is out! Pick up a copy at your nearest Korean markets, restaurants, CPA offices or call/email us if you want to receive it in the mail.

비디오 아이팟(iPod) 노래방 시스템

I want one of these! You can hook it up to any video-capable MP3 Players and start singing!
Here is the site that sells this.

비디오 아이팟 혹은 기타 MP3 플레이어를 노래방 기계로 변신시켜주는 시스템. MP3를 FM 수신기에 꽂으면, 차 안에서도 사용가능하다.
컨버터, 마이크, TV나 스테레오에 연결시키는 케이블이 포함되어 있다. 비디오 MP3플레이어의 경우, 화면에 가사가 나오며 노래는 웹사이트에서 다운로드 받을 수 있다.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

내쉬빌 한인회 긴급 임시총회 (1/06/2008)

내쉬빌 한인회에 관한 기사가 2008년 1월 7일 아틀란타 신문에 실렸다.

텐코리아 온라인에 있던 내용은 한 독자의 요구때문에 삭제하였슴. (5/01/2009)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Nashville Crime Locator

The Tennessean has introduced this Crime Locator on its website. You can use this tool to see what types of crime have been happening where. You can also click on the icons to see specifics about each crime. Works only in Davidson County for now. Looks like Belle Meade area is the safest zone in Davidson Co.

Click here to see for yourself

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

i wish everyone a healthy and happy year!

A few things to look for this year:
  1. New president for Korean-American Association of Greater Nashville(KAAGN). Who will it be? Find out in a week or so. We will keep you updated.
  2. Real-estate market declines continue.
  3. Movies (Cloverfield, The Dark Night, Indiana Jones 4, The Incredible Hulk, another Harry Potter movie, new Star Trek franchise) <<<-- movies that you must watch on the big screen.
  4. The Campaigns for the Next President of USA.
  5. Iraq, Pakistan, the Middle East... the violence continues...
  6. If the Titans beat the Chargers, do they have any chance of beating the Mighty Patriots?
  7. Yes, the Beijing Olympics!!!
  8. Steroids, HGH surrounding the MLB and the Olympics.
  9. Terrorism.